I. Peer-reviewed articles
Mutaz M. Qafisheh and Ihssan A. Madbouh, ‘Palestine’s Accession to Geneva Convention III: Typology of Captives Incarcerated by Israel’, Asian Journal of International Law (Scopus CiteScore: 1.0), Cambridge University Press, Vol. 11, No. 2, 299-228, 2021.
Mutaz M. Qafisheh, ‘Palestinian Citizenship Law: A Proposal’, Yearbook of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law, Brill/Nijhoff, The Hague and New York, Vol. 20, No. 1, 2021, 60-95.
Mutaz M. Qafisheh, ‘Human Rights at the Time of Transition: How Security Forces Can be Held Accountable in a Divided Community?’, Journal of Conflict & Security Law (Scopus CiteScore: 1.0), Oxford University Press, Vol. 25, No. 2, 2020, 171-207.
Mutaz M. Qafisheh, ‘What is Palestine? The de jure Demarcation of Boundaries for the ICC’s ratione loci Jurisdiction and Beyond’, International Criminal Law Review (Scopus CiteScore: 0.8), Brill/Nijhoff, Leiden, Vol. 20, No. 5, 2020, 908-943.
Mutaz M. Qafisheh, ‘Clinicalism: An Emerging Theory in Legal Pedagogy’, Transnational Legal Theory (Scopus CiteScore: 0.9), Taylor & Francis (Routledge), London, Vol. 11, 2020, 549-570.
Mutaz M. Qafisheh and Osayd Awawda, ‘Implementation of Human Rights Conventions at the National Level: The Case of Palestine’, International Review of Law, Vol. 9, No. 1, Qatar University, 2020, 11-52 (in Arabic).
Mutaz M. Qafisheh and Ali Wardak, ‘Restorative Justice Capacities in Middle Eastern Culture and Society: Toward a Hybrid Model of Juvenile Justice in Palestine’, International Journal of Restorative Justice, Eleven International, The Hague, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2019, 93-117.
Mutaz M. Qafisheh, ‘Political Corruption: Conceptual and Methodological Approaches’, Jil Journal of Political Studies and International Relations (Arab impact factor: 1.72), Tripoli, Lebanon, Vol. 5, No. 25, 2019, 43-62 (in Arabic).
Mutaz M. Qafisheh, ‘Ethics of the Legal Profession in Palestine’, Fordham International Law Journal (impact factor: 1.022), University of Fordham, New York, Vol. 42, No. 2, 2018, 553-586.
Mutaz M. Qafisheh, ‘A Century of the Legal Profession in Palestine: Quo Vadis?’, International Journal of the Legal Profession (Scopus CiteScore 0.6), Taylor & Francis (Routledge), London, Vol. 25, No. 2, 2018, 175-212.
Mutaz M. Qafisheh, ‘Who Has the Right to Become a Palestinian Citizen?: An International Law Analysis’, Yearbook of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law, Brill/Nijhoff, The Hague and New York, Vol. 18, 2017, 112-152.
Mutaz M. Qafisheh, ‘Reforming Legal Education Through Clinical Pedagogy in Palestine’, Asian Journal of Legal Education (Scopus; impact factor 0.03), SAGE, New York, Vol. 4, No. 2, 2017, 146-169.
Mutaz M. Qafisheh, ‘The 2016 Palestinian Juvenile Protection Law: A Quest for Further Reform’, International Journal for Legislative Drafting and Law Reform, London, Vol. 5, 2016, 59-80.
Mutaz M. Qafisheh, ‘Nationalizing International Criminal Law in Palestine: The Challenge of Complementarity’, Hague Yearbook of International Law, Brill/Nijhoff, The Hague, Vol. 27, 2016, 165-198.
Mutaz M. Qafisheh, ‘Palestinian Prisoners in Israel versus Namibian Prisoners under the Apartheid: A Potential Role for the International Criminal Court’, International Journal of Human Rights (Scopus CiteScore: 1.6), Taylor & Francis (Routledge), London, Vol. 20, No. 6, 2016, 798-814.
Mutaz M. Qafisheh, ‘An Ongoing Anomaly: Pre- and Post World War II Palestinian Refugees’, International Journal of Refugee Law (Scopus CiteScore: 1.8), Oxford University Press, Vol. 27, No. 1, 2015, 52-74.
Mutaz M. Qafisheh, ‘International Educational and Cultural Obligations of Palestine’, Essex Human Rights Review, University of Essex, London, Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015, 1-20.
Mutaz M. Qafisheh, ‘Legislative Drafting in Transitional States: The Case of Palestine’, International Journal for Legislative Drafting and Law Reform, London, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2014, 266-292.
Mutaz M. Qafisheh, ‘The Coexistence of Diverse Legal Traditions in a Single Territory: The Case of the Freedom of Expression in Palestine’, Mediterranean Journal of Human Rights, University of Malta, Vol. 17, 2014, 177-212.
Mutaz M. Qafisheh, ‘The Ability of the Palestinian Legal System to Secure Adequate Standards of Living: Reform or Failed State Duty’, Asian Journal of International Law (Scopus CiteScore: 1.0), Cambridge University Press, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2013, 393-412.
Mutaz M. Qafisheh, ‘The International Status of National Human Rights Institutions: A Comparison with NGOs’, Nordic Journal of Human Rights (Scopus CiteScore: 0.7), Taylor & Francis (Routledge), London, Vol. 31, No. 1, 2013, 55-83.
Mutaz M. Qafisheh, ‘The Dilemma of Legislative Reform in Line with International Standards on Gender Equality in the Islamic World: The Case of Palestine’, International Journal for Legislative Drafting and Law Reform, London, Vol. 1, No. 2, 2013, 217-237.
Mutaz M. Qafisheh, ‘Palestinian Legislation and the Freedom of Movement: An Appraisal in Light of International Law’, International Journal of Human Rights and Constitutional Studies, Geneva, Vol. 1, No. 2, 2013, 110-126.
Mutaz M. Qafisheh, ‘The Interplay between International Human Rights and Labour Rights in Palestine’, Journal of Islamic State Practices in International Law, Brunel University, London, Vol. 9, No. 1, 2013, 121-146.
Mutaz M. Qafisheh, ‘The State of Emergency in Palestine in Light of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights’, Hebron University Research Journal (Arab impact factor: 1.22), Hebron, Vol. 8, No. 1, 2013, 235-247.
Mutaz M. Qafisheh, ‘The Role of Legal Clinics in Leading Legal Education: A Model from the Middle East’, Legal Education Review, University of Western Sydney, Vol. 22, No. 1, 2012, 177-198.
Mutaz M. Qafisheh, ‘Human Rights Gaps in the Palestinian Criminal System: A United Nations Role?’, International Journal of Human Rights (Scopus CiteScore: 1.6), Taylor & Francis (Routledge), London, Vol. 16, No. 2, 2012, 358-377.
Mutaz M. Qafisheh, ‘Restorative Justice in Islamic Penal Law: A Contribution to the Global System’, International Journal of Criminal Justice Sciences (Scopus CiteScore: 0.7), South Asian Society of Criminology and Victimology, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2012, 487-507.
Mutaz M. Qafisheh, ‘Juvenile Justice System in Palestine: Current Situation and Reform Prospects’, International Journal for Law, Policy and the Family (Scopus CiteScore: 1.4), Oxford University Press, Vol. 25, No. 3, 2011, 365-397.
Mutaz M. Qafisheh, ‘Genesis of Nationality and Migration in Palestine and Israel 1917-1925’, Journal of the History of International Law (Scopus CiteScore: 0.7), Brill/Nijhoff, The Hague, Vol. 11, No. 1, 2009, 1-33.
Mutaz M. Qafisheh, ‘Domicile in Palestine’, Journal of Law and Judiciary, Legislative and Verdict Bureau, Gaza, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1-81, 2000 (in Arabic).
II. Peer-reviewed book chapters
Mutaz M. Qafisheh and Francesca Albanese, ‘Article 1D: Definition of Refugee’, in Andreas Zimmermann and Terje Einarsen, eds., The 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and Its 1967 Protocol: A Commentary, Oxford University Press, 2nd edition, 40 pages, forthcoming 2022.
Mutaz M. Qafisheh, ‘Palestine: Lawyering between Colonisation and the Struggle for Professional Independence’, in Richard Abel, Ole Hammerslev, Hilary Sommerlad, & Ulrike Schultz, eds., Lawyers in 21st-Century Societies, Hart Publishing, Oxford & New York, 2020, Vol. I, 639-656.
Mutaz M. Qafisheh, ‘Palestine’s Accession to CEDAW: One Step of the Thousand-mile Journey’, in Karla M. McKanders, ed., Arabs at Home and in the World: Human Rights, Gender Politics, and Identity, Taylor & Francis (Routledge), Oxford & New York, 2019, 25-53.
Mutaz M. Qafisheh, ‘Without Reservation: Reforming Palestinian Family Laws in Light of CEDAW’, in Irene Schneider & Nijmi Edres, eds., Uses of the Past: Sharīʿa and Gender in Legal Theory and Practice in Palestine and Israel, Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden, Germany, 2018, 29-45.
Mutaz M. Qafisheh, ‘Palestine’, in Scott Decker & Nerea Marteache, eds., International Handbook of Juvenile Justice (on Scopus), Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 2017, 497-525.
Mutaz M. Qafisheh, ‘Modern Legal Education in Palestine: The Clinical Programs of Hebron University’, in Mutaz Qafisheh & Stephan Rosenbaum, eds., Experimental Legal Education in a Globalized World: The Middle East & Beyond, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, UK, 2016, 198-235.
Mutaz M. Qafisheh, ‘Clinical Legal Education in Palestine: A Clinical Case under Military Occupation’, in Shuvro P. Sarker, ed., Clinical Legal Education in Asia: Accessing Justice for the Underprivileged (on Scopus), Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2015, 113-135.
Mutaz M. Qafisheh, ‘Citizens of the State of Palestine and the Future of Palestinian Refugees’, in Mutaz Qafisheh, ed., Palestine Membership in the United Nations: Legal and Practical Implications, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, 2013, 45-133.
Mutaz M. Qafisheh, ‘Palestine’s Obligations under the Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights’, in Mutaz Qafisheh, ed., Palestine Membership in the United Nations: Legal and Practical Implications, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, 2013, 190-233.
Mutaz M. Qafisheh and Valentina Azarov, ‘Article 1D: Definition of Refugee’, in Andreas Zimmermann, Felix Machts, and Jonas Dörschner, eds., The 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and Its 1967 Protocol: A Commentary, Oxford University Press, 2011, 537-569.
Mutaz M. Qafisheh, ‘The Israeli Violations of Palestinian Citizens’ Rights during 2001’, in Seventh Annual Report on the Status of Palestinian Citizens’ Rights During 2001, Palestinian Independent Commission for Citizens’ Rights, Ramallah, 2002, 1-75.
Mutaz M. Qafisheh, ‘La nationalité palestinienne selon du droit local et du droit international’, in Nadine Picaudou, ed., La Palestine en transition, Institut national des langues et civilisation orientales, Paris, 2001, 39-77.
III. Standalone books and studies
Mutaz M. Qafisheh, Borders of the State of Palestine under International Law for the Purpose of ICC Territorial Jurisdiction, Amicus Curiea, International Criminal Court (ICC-01/18-72), The Hague (submitted on behalf of Palestinian Bar Association), 2020 (30 pages).
Mutaz M. Qafisheh, Excessive Use of Force, Torture, and Ill-Treatment by Palestinian Security Forces: Domestic and International Accountability Mechanisms, United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), Geneva & Ramallah, 2017 (67 pages).
Mutaz M. Qafisheh and Ali Wardak, Mediation as an Alternative Dispute Settlement on Juvenile Cases in Palestine, Terres de Hommes, Lausanne, 2017 (55 pages).
Mutaz M. Qafisheh and Stephan Rosenbaum, eds., Experimental Legal Education in a Globalized World: The Middle East and Beyond (collective book, 28 chapters, 33 contributors, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, 2016, 540 pages).
Mutaz M. Qafisheh, The Consistency of the Applicable Legislation in Palestine with International Law: The Two Human Rights Covenants, OHCHR, Ramallah & Geneva, 2014 (126 pages)
Mutaz M. Qafisheh, ed., Palestine Membership in the United Nations: Legal and Practical Implications, ed., Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, 2013 (473 pages).
Mutaz M. Qafisheh, The International Law Foundations of Palestinian Nationality: A Legal Examination of Palestinian Nationality under Britain’s Rule (on Scopus), Brill, Leiden & Boston, 2008 (253 pages).
Mutaz M. Qafisheh, Defining the Role of National Human Rights Institutions with Regard to the United Nations Human Rights System, Independent Commission for Human Rights, Ramallah, 2004 (80 pages).
Mutaz M. Qafisheh, Nationality and Domicile in Palestine, Ibrahim Abu-Lughod Institute of International Studies, Birzeit University, Ramallah, 2000 (220 pages, in Arabic).
Mutaz M. Qafisheh, Palestinian Nationality: Present Situation, Legal Status, and Human Rights Standards, Independent Commission for Human Rights, Ramallah, 2000 (123 pages, in Arabic).