

Head of Nursing Department, Hebron University


My name is Suhair Issa. live in Bethlehem city -Palestine. I have a master degree in Mother and Child Health. I’m a lecturer in nursing faculty at Hebron University for 12 years till now.  Speak two other languages beside mother language Arabic which are English and French. I like traveling, reading, hiking and making sweets. I’m a member in the Palestinian nursing council and a member in the Palestinian Osteoporosis Prevention Society. I’m interested in volunteering such as   my participation in raising awareness workshops   among the Palestinian community in health issues.


Office No.
+972 (2) 2220995 ex: 240
Hebron University, P.O.Box: 40, Hebron, West-Bank, Palestine.


9/2006- 1/2009: Master in MCH
 ( Alquds University )
3/2004- 9/2004: Diploma in Emergency Medical Services
 ( Palestinian Red Crescent Institute- Ramallah)
2000-2002: Bachelor in Science of Nursing
 (Bethlehem University)
1998-2000: Diploma in Nursing( RN)
 (Bethlehem University)
1991- 1993: Diploma in Practical
 (Caritas Nursing School /Bethlehem)
1989-1990: Tawjihi Science
 (Terra Santa High School /Bethlehem)

Academic and Administrative Experience

one semester as clinical instructor in Alquds university

one semester as clinical instructor at Bethlehem university

12 years as a lecturer in Hebron university 


Research Interests

iam interested in nursing researches i hope to have a chance to do researches

Research and Academic visits

2021- participate and attend the (air way management workshop)by MOH
and HU.
5- 2018-attending the osteoporosis seminar carried by the Palestinian
osteoporosis prevention society and the faculty of medicine.
6- 2019-attending the 5
th conference of the Palestinian society endocrinology
and diabetes and the 2nd joint Palestinian and Jordanian conference for
endocrinology and diabetes
7- 2018-Attending workshop for Hi Cure project in Amman
8- Conference entitled Child Bone Health at Intercontinental Hotel Bethlehem
Oct 25 -2013
9- 2013- attending the International Osteoporosis Foundation congress -
Hilsanki -Finland
10- 2013- nosocomial infection and infection control at AUB Lebanon
11- Workshop in palliative care entitled Toward Better Quality Of Life July 7
12- Conference entitled Better Way of Care at Al Makasad Hosp April 29-30
2013.International Osteoporosis Foundation and 6th Pan Arab
osteoporosis Congress King Hussein Ben Tala Convention -Dead Sea
13- 2012- attending the 2nd
14- Workshop about Diabetes in Children And Adolescent at Bethlehem
University June 21-22\ 20 11
15- Workshop about violence against women as a curriculum for health colleges
25 training hours.
16-  2010Multi disciplinary course at the Italian universities from 5th Sept-25th

Professional Memberships

a member in the Palestinian Nursing Council

Palestinian Osteoporosis Prevention Society 

Courses Schedule

# Course No. Course Name Class No. Room Time
1 71112 Fundamentals of Physical Evaluation Clinical 3 h507 (11:00-08:00) الSun
2 71221 Health Promotion and Therapeutic Communication 1 E116 (14:00-12:00) الTue
3 71221 Health Promotion and Therapeutic Communication 2 h512 (13:00-11:00) الMon