

Head of Mathematics Department, Hebron University


Dr. Almanasreh has been an academic since 2004.  Dr. Almanasreh is an assistant Professor obtained his undergraduate degree in mathematics from Hebron University in Palestine. He obtained his Master and Doctoral degrees in applied mathematics (Numerical analysis/Differential equations) from Chalmers University and the University of Gothenburg respectively in Sweden. Currently, Dr. Almanasreh is working as a full time lecturer at the mathematics department at Hebron University.  His research interests fall under the area of numerical analysis and differential equations, in particular the finite element method (FEM) and the meshfree methods (MFM) for differential equations with much more interests towards the Dirac equation. Also, other interests for Dr. Almanasreh are spectral theory particularly scattering theory and G-convergence and Gamma-convergence for differential operators.

Office No.
S 209
+972 (2) 2220995 ex: 126
Hebron University, P.O.Box: 40, Hebron, West-Bank, Palestine.


General secondary education (1999), Bani Na’im Boys Secondary School, Hebron
Palestine, overall 94.5

 B.Sc in Pure Mathematics (2004), Hebron University, Hebron, Palestine, overall 91.47. (excellent with first honor degree)

 M.Sc in Applied Mathematics (2007), Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg
Sweden, overall 4.66/5 equivalently 93.33. (Supervisor: Nils Svanstedt)
M.Sc thesis: ”Blood flow modelling in compliant arteries; deriving effective equations
".using asymptotic analysis methods

Ph.Lic in Applied Mathematics (2010), University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden
(Supervisor: Nils Svanstedt)
."Ph.Lic thesis: ”The Dirac operator; from numerics to the theory of G-convergence

Ph.D in Applied Mathematics (2012), University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden
(Supervisors: Nils Svanstedt, Sten Salomonson, and Mohammad Asadzadeh)
".Ph.D thesis: ”The Dirac equation: Numerical and asymptotic analysis

Academic and Administrative Experience

1) Abdullah Ben Mas'oud Basic School, Hebron, Palestine, January till May, 2004, Mathematics Instructor (full time).
2) Bani Naim Secondary School, Hebron, Palestine, August 2004 till August 2005, Mathematics Instructor (full time).
3) Hebron University, Hebron, Palestine, September 2004 till August 2005, Modeling assistant for the project "Reducing the environmental impact of olive mill wastewater in Palestine" (part time).
4) Hebron University, Hebron, Palestine, February 2007 till August 2007, Mathematics Lecturer (part time).
5) Al-Quds Open University, Hebron Educational Region, Hebron, Palestine, the second semester of the academic year 2006/2007 (February 2007 till June 2007), Mathematics Lecturer (part time).
6) Al-Quds Open University, Dora Educational Region, Dora, Palestine, the second semester of the academic year 2006/2007 (February 2007 till June 2007) and the first semester of the academic year 2007/2008 (September 2007 till January 2008), Mathematics Lecturer (part time).
7) Hebron University, Hebron, Palestine, September 2007 till January 2008, Mathematics Lecturer (full time).
8) Chalmers University of Technology and University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden, February 2008 - January 2013: Lecturer in Mathematics (part time).
9) Hebron University, Hebron, Palestine, January 2013 up till now, Mathematics Lecturer (full time).


1) H. Almanasreh, N. Svanstedt, G-convergence of Dirac operators, J. Funct. Spaces Appl., 2012.

2) H. Almanasreh, S. Salomonson, and N. Svanstedt, Stabilized finite element method for the radial Dirac equation, J. Comput. Phys., 236(2013), pp. 426-442.

3) H. Almanasreh, hp-Cloud approximation of the Dirac eigenvalue problem: The way of stability, J. Comput. Phys., 272(2014), pp. 487-506.

4) H. Almanasreh, Finite element method for solving the Dirac eigenvalue problem with linear basis functions, J. Comput. Phys., 376(2019), pp. 1199-1211.

5) I. Nawajah, C. El Jabari, H. Jabareen, W. Kammoun-Rebai, K. Jebreen, H. Almanasreh, and E. Radwan, Quality of life of older adults diagnosed with cancer in Palestine: A cross sectional study, Multidisciplinary Science Journal, 6(2024).

6) H. Almanasreh and I. Nawajah, fnf-Learning Mathematics, Transylvanian Review, 32(2024), pp 16411-16418.

Research Interests

1) Numerical analysis.
2) Numerical computations.
3) Differential equations.
4) Spectral theory, mainly scattering theory for self-adjoint operators.
5) Operator convergence (G-convergence) and variational convergence (Gamma-convergence).
6) Computation of the eigenvalues of the Dirac operator using the Finite Element Method (FEM) and the Meshfree Methods (MMs).

Research and Academic visits

1) MP2 summer school "On algebraic and computational methods for strongly correlated systems", University of Gothenburg, Sweden, August 18-23, 2008.
2) Zurich summer school "Advanced numerical methods for eigenvalue problems", University of Zurich, Switzerland, August 25-29, 2008.
3) Joint Mathematics-Physics workshop on electromagnetic and atomistic modeling, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, March 25-27, 2009.
4) Workshop on numerical aspects of nonlinear PDEs of hyperbolic type, Centre for Advanced Study at the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, Norway, May 26 and 27, 2009.
5) Midnight sun conference "Analysis, inequalities and homogenization theory (AIHT)", Lulea University of Technology, Sweden, June 8-11, 2009.
6) MP2 October workshop "Computational methods in Many-Electron systems", University of Gothenburg, Sweden, October 21 and 22, 2009.
7) Joint Mathematics-Physics workshop on asymptotic analysis and related topics, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, May 5-7, 2010.
8) University of Gothenburg summer school "Mathematical topics in quantum mechanics and quantum information", The Sven Loven Centre for Marine Sciences, Sweden, September 5-9, 2011.

Scientific Awards

1) A scholarship that had covered the tuition fees of the entire four-year B.Sc program, ministry fellowship, Palestine, 2000 - 2004.
2) Swedish Institute scholarship for the master level, Sweden, August 2005 - January 2007.
3) Full employment by University of Gothenburg for the Doctoral study, Sweden, February 2008 - January 2013.