

Dean of information tecnology, Hebron University


Belal M. Amro is an assistant professor at college of IT at Hebron University – Palestine. Dr Belal has received his PhD in Computer Science and Engineering from Sabanci University- Istanbul, Turkey in 2012. In 2004 he received his MSc in complexity and its interdisciplinary applications from IUSS, Pavia , Italy. His BSc degree was awarded from Palestine polytechnic university in computer systems engineering in 2003. Mr. Amro has served as technical program committee member for different international conferences and journals, and reviewed more than 50 papers in the field of information technology including privacy and security. Currently, Mr. Amro is conducting research in network security, wireless security, privacy preserving data mining techniques and has published more than 18 papers in international journals and conferences in the field of computer security and privacy.

Office No.
+972 (2) 2220995 ex: 354
Hebron University, P.O.Box: 40, Hebron, West-Bank, Palestine.


Phd computer science and engineering - sabanci University - Turkey 2012

MSc Complexity and its interdiscipilinary applications - Pavia University - Italy 2005

Bsc Computer Systems Engineering - Palestine Polytechnic University - Palestine 2003

Academic and Administrative Experience

[ May 2014 – August 2017]                                                       Hebron University

Head of computer science department

·      College of Science and Technology

[ Jan 2012 – now]                                                       Hebron University

Assistant professor

·      Computer science department

[ December 2010 – February 2012]                             Sabanci University

Teaching assistant

·       Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences

[  Feb 2006 – August 2012  ]                                                 Hebron University      


§ Instructor at the Computer Science Department

§ Taught Courses : Computer Science I , Computer Science II (Computer Programming with C++)  , Algorithm Design Techniques, Data Structures, operating system, computer networks.

Aug 2005 – Dec 2005                        Italy                                                  


§ Worked on a project of modeling operational risk as a collaboration between the data mining laboratory and MetaWare company in Italy as a part of my thesis in the data mining field.

§ Provided a new model for estimating the operational risk using the extreme value theorem and applying the data mining techniques

Oct 2003 – Jan 2005                                                              Hebron University      

Teaching and Research Assistant

§ Teaching and research assistant at computer laboratories at college of Science and Technology.




1)   Arwa Najjar, Belal Amro, Mario, Macedo “The Adoption Level of Electronic Medical Records in Hebron Hospitals based on the Electronic Medical Record Adoption Model (EMRAM)”, Health policy and technology , 2021

2)   Arwa Najjar, Belal Amro, Mario, Macedo, “An Intelligent Decision Support System For Recruitment: Resumes Screening And Applicants Ranking” , Informatica , 2021

3)   Belal Amro, Zaid Abu Znaid , User Centric Android Application Permission Manager , AL-Rafidain Journal of Computer Sciences and Mathematics, University of Mosul, Iraq, accepted and will be published in December 2021.

4)    بلال عمرو ، " واقع و دوافع الالتزام بسياسات أمن المعلومات في مؤسسات التعليم العالي الفلسطينية – دراسة حالة : جامعة  الخليل " – مجلة دراسات – الجامعة الأردنية ، تم قبول البحث

5)    مهند الجعبري ، بلال عمرو : " فاعلية برامج التوعية التقنية والقانونية في مواجهة الجريمة الالكترونية من وجهة نظر طلبة جامعة الخليل – فلسطين " ، مجلة جامعة الخليل للبحوث – تم قبول البحث

6)    Amro, Belal; Abu Sabha, Ahmed; Qunaibi, Ammar; Najjar, Ibraheem “ PAPG- Personalized Antiphisihng Guard “ , International Journal of computing and network technology. Vol 7, Issue 1 . 2019

7)    B. M. Amro, M. O. Al-Jabari, H. M. Jabareen, Y. S. Khader and A. Taweel, "Design and Development of Case Studies in Security and Privacy for Health Informatics Education," 2018 IEEE/ACS 15th International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA), Aqaba, 2018, pp. 1-6. doi: 10.1109/AICCSA.2018.8612876

8)    M. O. Al-Jabari, B. M. Amro, H. M. Jabareen, Y. S. Khader and A. Taweel, "Development of a Case Study-Based Approach for Effective Understanding and use of EHRs in Undergraduate Multidisciplinary Education," 2018 IEEE/ACS 15th International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA), Aqaba, 2018, pp. 1-6.
doi: 10.1109/AICCSA.2018.8612823

9)    Belal Amro,  Malware Detection Techniques for Mobile Devices, International Journal of  Mobile Network Communications & Telematics ( IJMNCT), December 2017.

10) Belal Amro, Cybercrime as a Matter of the Art in Palestine and its Effect on Individuals” , International Journal of Wireless and Microwave Technologies(IJWMT), to appear in Vol 8, No 5, Sep 2019.

11) Belal Amro Protecting Privacy in VANETs Using Mix Zones with Virtual Pseudonym Change, The International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA), January 2018.

12) Belal Amro, Albert Levi, and Yucel Saygin , Flexible Fair and Collusion Resistant Pseudonym Providing System, International Arab Journal of Information Technology IAJIT, 2019

13) Belal Amro, Phishing techniques in mobile devices, Journal of Computer and Communications (JCC), February 2018.

14) Belal Amro, Personal Mobile Malware Guard PMMG: a mobile malware detection technique based on user’s preferences  to appear in IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security February 2018.

15) Belal Amro, "Mobile Agent Systems, Recent Security Threats and Counter Measures".  International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI); Mar2014, Vol. 11 Issue 2, p146 

16) Belal Amro,Yücel Saygin, Albert Levi Enhancing Privacy in Collaborative Traffic Monitoring systems Using Autonomous Location Update. IET Intelligent Transport Systems, accepted, 2013

17) Amro, Belal Mohammed and Saygın, Yücel and Levi, Albert, ” PA-CTM: privacy aware collaborative traffic monitoring system using autonomous location update mechanism “, 4th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Security and Privacy in GIS and LBS (SPRINGL ‘11), New York, USA: ACM (Association for Computing Machinery), November 2011, 1-8

18) Amro, Belal Mohammed and Levi, Albert and Saygın, Yücel, ” CoRPPS: collusion resistant pseudonym providing system “, 2011 IEEE International Conference on Privacy, Security, Risk, and Trust (PASSAT 2011), USA: IEEE Computer Society, October 2011, 1056-1063.

19) Amro, Belal Mohammed and Levi, Albert and Saygın, Yücel, “Flexible Fair and Collusion Resistant Pseudonym Providing System”, International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT) , Vol 16 No 1, Jan 2019.

20) Amro, Belal Mohammed and Saygın, Yücel and Levi, Albert, ” P2-CTM: privacy preserving collaborative traffic monitoring “, 3rd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Security and Privacy in GIS and LBS (SPRINGL ‘10), New York, NY, USA : ACM (Association for Computing Machinery), November 2010, 55-59

Research Interests

computer safety and security

cyber security

network and system attacks

security policies

health informatics


Courses Schedule

# Course No. Course Name Class No. Room Time
1 T1339 Programming Languages Design 1 a404 (10:50-09:30) الMon,الWed
2 T3280 Introduction to Computer Networks 2 E115 (14:20-13:00) الMon,الWed