

Dean of Faculty of Agriculture, Hebron University

Office No.
+972 (2) 2220995 ex: 022220995-192
Hebron University, P.O.Box: 40, Hebron, West-Bank, Palestine.


Academic Qualifications:


1- B.Sc. in Animal Production, University of  Jordan. 1991, with

    " very good " grade.

2- M.Sc. in Animal Production (Animal Nutrition). University of Jordan.

    1994 with " Excellent " grade.

Academic and Administrative Experience

Professional Experience:

- Lecturer at Department of Animal Production and Protection, Faculty of    

  Agriculture, Hebron University. 1994 - until now. During that time I 

  taught the following courses:


    * Feeds and Animal Feeding (1)      

  * Feeds and Animal Feeding (2)    

  * Feeds and Animal Feeding (2) Lab.

  * Poultry Nutrition

  * Principles of  Nutrition

  * Poultry Production

  * Sheep Production

  * Dairy Cattle Production

  * Field work in Animal Production

  * Reproduction and Artificial Insemination

  * Animal physiology


- Lecturer at Alquds Open University. From time to time, since 1995- 

  2005, I  taught the following courses:


  * Feeds and Animal Feeding

  * Principles of Nutrition

  * Sheep Production

  * Poultry Production 

  * Dairy Cattle Production

  * Rabbits Production

- Head of animal production and protection department at Hebron University since 

  2010- until 2019.



Scientific Activities:


1- Dayeh, R. 1996. Effect of three different levels of feeding on   

    productive and reproductive performance of Damascus or Shami goats 

    in Jordan Valley. Dirasat 23: 131 - 142.


2- Abo Omar, J., Dayeh, R. and Mohamad, A. (2011). Effects of different dietary        

    crude protein contents on growth performance and visceral organ mass in fattened 

    Awassi lambs. Revue de Médecine Vétérinaire.


3- Abo Omar, J., Dayeh, R. and Mohamad, A. (2011). The effect of different types of    

    olive cake on performance and carcass quality of Awassi lambs. Animal Feed   

    Science and Technology:171:167-172. 

Research Interests

I am interested in making research in the field of animal nutrition.

Professional Memberships

Memberships in professional associations and societies:


- Agricultural Engineers Association - Jordan since 1992.

- A member of author committee for school agricultural education in Palestine.