Ms. Diyana Khlaif


Ms. Diyana Khlaif

Teaching Staff. Instructor, Hebron University


• Experience in International Legal Studies, International Arbitration and Dispute Resolution, and International Human Rights.
• Ability to evaluate and integrate information from a variety of sources on International Arbitration under different laws.
• Ability to conduct substantive research and analysis of various issues related to Human Rights according to different political, ethnic and racial situations in different countries.
• Experience in Higher Education Teaching.
• Research and analytical skills in various topics of International Law.
• Knowledge of the Middle East and North Africa region.
• Legal translation experience, from Arabic to English and vise versa.
• Experience in Drafting, Writing and Finalizing Contracts (Legal, Commercial and Arbitration
• Experience in Events Managing and organizing workshops, courses, and meetings.
• Excellent Proofreading, Writing, Reading and Editing.

Office No.
+972 (2) 2220995 ex: -
Hebron University, P.O.Box: 40, Hebron, West-Bank, Palestine.


Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Doctor of Philosophy, PhD Candidate, Present
Research focused on International Commercial Arbitration procedures contributing towards Economy Development

Georgetown University Law Center, Washington, D.C.
Master of Laws, May 2014
Certificate in International Arbitration and Dispute Resolution
Coursework: International Arbitration and International Litigation; Investor-State Dispute Resolution;
International Commercial Arbitration; Pre-negotiation Strategies for Cross- Border Transactions; International Law Seminar: Poverty Reduction and Accountability; Contemporary Peacekeeping: Legality, Legitimacy & Accountability
Georgetown International Arbitration Society Member, 2013/2014

King’s College, United Kingdom, London
Undergraduate Student, Spring 2013
Honors: Scholarship Recipient, Center for Transnational Legal Studies, Spring 2013
Coursework: International Transitional Justice; Comparative Constitutional Law; Governance of Non-Profit Organizations


Al-Quds University, Jerusalem, Palestine Bachelor of Laws, June 2013
Coursework: Administrative Law, International Public Law, Commercial Law, Commercial Papers & Banking Operations, And Insurance Contracts

Academic and Administrative Experience

Hebron University, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Hebron, West Bank Lecturer, August 2016 – Present
• Lecturer at Hebron University at the Faculty of Law and Political Science, teaching the following topics:
- English Terminology, Legal Studies for Lawyers,
- Palestinian Arbitration and International Arbitration,
- International Refugee Law,
- Public International Law,
- Legal Research Skills,
- Legal Clinic (Pro bono, Academic Freedoms, Awareness).
Freedom Forum Palestine, Ramallah, West Bank Consultant, April 2016 – August 2016
• Project Coordinating (Funding, Human Resource, Project Studies and Action Plans)
• Providing Legal Consultancy for the Board of Directors regarding current Projects.
• Communicating with Donors for potential cooperation.
The Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition, Ramallah, West Bank January 2016
• Served as Judge and Chief Judge at the National rounds of the Jessup Competition, 2016.

Research Interests

International Commercial Arbitration 

International Investment Arbitration 

Refugees Law

Professional Memberships

Georgetown International Arbitration Society Member, 2013/2014

Arbitrator, Center for Commercial Arbitration, Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Hebron Governant