✓ Filling Gaps Left by the Muslim Brotherhood: Experience in Palestine. Chapter in: Salafi Social and Political Movements: National and Transnational Context, Edinburgh University Press, 2021.
✓ Co-Author, The Role of the NGOs in the Palestinian Decision making, Vision Center, Istanbul, 2018. (Arabic).
✓ Co-Author, Democracy in the Public Square, Muwatin, Birzeit University, 2018.
✓ Co-Author, “The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas): Studies of Thoughts & Experience”, Al-Zaytounah Center, Lebanon. 2017. (English version)
✓ Co-Author, “The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas): Studies of Thoughts & Experience”, Al-Zaytounah Center, Lebanon. 2014. (Arabic version)
✓ Co-Editor, “International Changes and their Impact on the Palestinian Issue”. The Palestinian Center for Democracy and Studies, 2009
✓ “Political Change from the Perspective of Islamic Movements: Hamas as a Model”. The Palestinian Institution for the Study of Democracy (Muwatin), 2008
✓ Co-Author, The Future of Israel, Vision Center, Istanbul, to be published.
✓ Hybrid Regimes in the Arab Mashreq and their Role in Turning Political Disputes into Identity Conflicts, Siasat Arabiya,Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies, No 25, March 2017, pp7-19.
✓ "From Fragmentation to the Creation of Alternative Palestinian Identities", Chapter in: “Palestinian Issue and the Future of the Palestinian National Project Conference”, Arab Center for Studies and Research, Doha – Qatar. December, 2015.
✓ “Changing Hamas Charter: The Demands, Indicators and Inhibitions”, Chapter in “Turkey and the Future of The Palestinian Issue”. kONYA: Necmetin Erbakan University, 2017.
✓ GCC and Eastward: Analyzing the relationship with ASEAN, Journal of Political Science and Law, Berlin, Volume1, No.4, September 2017, pp51-74.
✓ “The Challenges of Integration for the EU”, Al Mustaqbal Al Arabi, Beirut. Volume 401, 2012
✓ Co-author, “The War on Gaza: Realities and Directions”, The Palestinian Center for Democracy, 2009
✓ “Institutional Obstacles Facing the Palestinian Civil Society”, the Palestinian Center for Democracy, 2008
✓ “EU Developmental Policy in the Palestinian Territories”, the Palestinian Center for Democracy. 2007
✓ “Russia's Foreign Policy Towards the Palestinian Issue”, the Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, Amman, volume 34-35, 2006
✓ “Meditation According to Buddha”, Maaber Journal August 2006.
✓ “Religious Authorities Strategies in Controlling the Muslim Mind”, Maaber Journal, 2005
✓ “Separation Wall: Causes and Effects”, Miftah, 2005.
✓ Qusai Hamed, “United States and the Democratic Transformation in Palestine”, Zaytouna Center, 2010
✓ Anthony Cordesman, “Gaza War, Strategic Analysis”. The Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington DC, 2010
✓ Paul Salem, “Building Cooperation in the Eastern Middle East”, The Global Campaign to Resist Aggression at Carnegie, Vol. 24 May 2011
✓ Marina Ottaway, “The New Middle East”, Middle East”, The Global Campaign to Resist Aggression at Carnegie, 2011
✓ Svante Cornell, “Changes in Turkey: Influencers of the Turkish Foreign Policy” Middle East Quarterly, Winter 2012, pp. 13-24 & Islam Online, February 2012
✓ Alex Thurston, “Islamists in Mauritania”, Carnegie Center for Peace, 2012
✓ Robert Istrk, “The Dark Side of Islamic Utopia”, The Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, January 2012 & Islam Online, March 2012
✓ Raymond Hinnibuch, “Syria: From the Renovation of Tyranny to the Revolution”, Islam Online, 2012
✓ Barak Ravid, “Foundation for the Defense’s Document, Peace with Syria and a Plan to Strike Iran”, Haaretz , publisher Al-Sharq News, 2008
✓ Daniel Byman, “How to Handle Hamas", Journal of Foreign Affairs, Zaytouna Center, Palestine, 2010