Teaching Experience:
1999- Present
Full-time Lecturer at DELL & CLT, College of Arts, Hebron University.
Courses Taught at Hebron University:
§ General language service courses: Intensive English, English Level, English I, English II, & English III.
§ ESP courses: EST (English for Science and Technology), Business English & English for Health Professions.
§ Major courses for DELL students: Introduction to Translation, Translation I, Translation II, Mass Media Translation, Legal Translation, Reading, Writing I, Writing II, & Grammar.
Part-time instructor at Al-Quds Open University, Hebron, Palestine.
Courses Taught at Al-Quds Open University:
§ General language service courses: English I & English II
§ Major courses for English Language major students: Reading I, Reading II, Writing I, Writing II, Translation I, Translation II, Language Use, Pronunciation and Speech, Structure, Linguistics & Vocabulary.
§ English Language teacher in the Schools of the Ministry of Education in Hebron Governorate
Translation Experience/ Services:
1999- Present
For Hebron University
§ Voluntary Translation of various types of documents, regulations, by-laws, course titles & descriptions, Hebron University news items, project proposals, MOUs, etc.
§ Voluntary Consecutive Interpreting of some lectures & workshops.
For Al-Quds Open University
§ Voluntary Translation of various types of texts and articles on distance education/ open education, abstracts, etc.
For the Local Community
§ Translation of various types of commercial documents: letters, faxes, catalogs, e-mail, etc. to the business people in the city of Hebron.
§ Translation of boxing regulations and by-laws for the Palestinian Boxing Union.
§ Translation of study abstracts for HU professors and postgraduate students.
§ Translation of websites for some NGOs.
§ Translation/editing of some postgraduate dissertations.
§ Translation/authentication of HU Postgraduate students' titles of Mater's Theses