Ms. Insaf Amro


Ms. Insaf Amro

Teaching Staff. Instructor, Hebron University



 C.V Summary: 

In previous years, I was able to acquire the skills, experience and knowledge in different health related issues, communications, laws and legislations, supervision, organization of unions and committees, negotiations, planning and management, youth and gender, community mobilization and training, management and youth aspects in different institu-tions (private and governmental institutions, also through acquiring Master degree in the Public health and community). 

I’m an experienced personnel manager and planner with a wide range of experience in the projects and programs management and coordination, and experienced trainer in the gender based violence and sexual reproductive health, communication skills and report-ing and documentation methods. Team player with excellent presentation and personal skills, also a strong motivator who works well with others in the organization. A good listener and communicator who can relate to people at all levels, furthermore an experi-enced personnel in conducting scientific researches and having the ability to make situa-tion analysis ,need assessment and solving problems. 


Main Objective: 

To participate in developing woman and community, through improving community members and advocacy, activate community participation and respect of human rights and legislations. 


Personal information: 

Name: Insaf Taha amro 

Date of birth: 1976 

Nationalité :- palestenian. 

Address : Hebron, Palestine, palestenian and jordanien Passeports. 

Tel : mobile (00972-569280084) 

Email: [email protected] 


Office No.
H 502
+972 (2) 2220995 ex: 240
Hebron University, P.O.Box: 40, Hebron, West-Bank, Palestine.


Education and Qualification:

  • High deploma in public mental Health ; university of birzait 2010.
  • Master degree in Public Health (MPH) from AL-QUDS University, 2007: Very good.
  • High deploma in midwifery ; Bethlehem university 2002.
  • B.A in Nursing, (staff nurse), graduated in 1998, from Health Professional College at Al - Quds University: Very good degree( 83.2)
  • Secondary high school certificate (Tawjehi) from Dura Secondary Girls School in 1994: Very Good ( 84. 4)

Academic and Administrative Experience

2011 ( Reproductive Health – youth friendly  ) Project coordinator / MoEHE, ongoing (finish at 30-june -2012).

  1. Coordinates training programs and sessions in cooperation with other appropriate staff.
  2. Identify work activities that must be completed to achieve organizational goals.
  3. Assists in preparation of project meetings, setting the agenda, taking and distributing of minutes to respective members and follow up on actions post-meeting.
  4. Coordination of training courses and target groups selection.
  5. Coordinates the development of training materials in consultation with relevant staff and consultants. 
  6. Assists in providing draft terms of reference for national and international consultants linked to project activities. 
  7. Ensures linkages between MoEHE project activities and other UNFPA implementing partners.  
  8. Develop and set work plans and financial requirements for the project. 
  9. Maintain accurate documentation and records of work done.
  10. Ensure the submission of accurate and up-to-date financial and substantive reports, forms and inventories of UNFPA supported projects.

2007-2011 – (Project coordinator and management in different reproductive health programs) juzoor foundation/ Ramallah

  1. Office work included: Preparing materials for workshops, literature review, and communication with partners.
  2. Field working with different target groups mainly the youth and women.
  3. Training of trainer of (peer to peer) education training.
  4. Trainer in Reproductive health issues: -Discussing women's health, reproductive health, environmental health, on the other hand, integrating social and psychological aspects in relation to their impact on health as a whole. 
  5. Field coordinator:  and field work at different community level, community mobilization, health education at community at different target groups.
  6. Training of trainee for different topics (communication, counseling, and team building, and time managements, peer to peer training).
  7. Trainer of trainee at( reproductive health protocols, infection prevention protocols, ALSO, neonatal resuscitation,)
  8. Participate in developing different health manuals and curriculums with cooperation with MoH (violence against women protocol with cooperation with different ministries. Non communicable disease protocols .standard of care and curricula, antenatal post natal protocols, violence against women protocols, child rights protocols).
  9. Participate in developing sports center in different area (nillin, shuqpa near to Ramallah).
  10. Needs assessment for the local community and different organizations.
  11. Participate in proposal setting and writing.
  12. Participate in annual planning setting for the organization.

2002-2007 -Nursing and midwife teacher Ibn Sina College / Ramallah :-

      Taught students in 4 years college and clinical training for the following materials:

  1. Fundamental of nursing 1+2.
  2. Anatomy and physiology.
  3. Introductory to nursing.
  4. Growth and development.
  5. Medical and surgical courses.
  6. Introductory to midwife.
  7. Antenatal course
  8. Labor course.
  9. Post partum course.
  10. Gynecology.
  11. Research methodology
  12. Ethics in nursing and midwifery.
  13. Family health.
  14. Community health.

 2010-2011- Program Guest, Voice of Palestine Radio / Ramallah:-

  • Participated in a radio program on the subject of   nutrition , early marriage, GBV, women rights, poverty and children,

1998-2002-Nurse and midwife (makassed hospital and alahli hospital)





Professional Memberships

Palestenian Nursing Association

instroctor membership at ALSO progam