

Teaching staff. Assistant Prof., Hebron University


Dr. Qawasmeh is a renound scholar in the field of Phytochemistry and Chemical Ecology with many publication in high impact journals such as Frontiers in Pharmacology, Journal of Chemical Ecology, and antioxidant redox signalling. Dr. Qawasmeh hold a PhD degree in Chemical Ecology and Phytochemistry from Charles Sturt University-Australia in 2012. Dr. Qawasmeh is currently working as an assisstant professor in the Faculty of Pharmacy and MEdical Sciences at Hebron University, Palestine. 

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+972 (2) 2220995 ex: 283
Hebron University, P.O.Box: 40, Hebron, West-Bank, Palestine.
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2012, PhD in Phytochemistry, Charles Sturt University, Australia

2005, MSc in Pharmacutical Sciences, The University of Sudney, Australia

2001, BSc in Pharmacy, Al-Isra University, Amman, Jordan 

Academic and Administrative Experience

2001-2005, Laboratory assistant, Faculty of Pharmacy, The University of Sydney, Australia

2008-2011, Lecturer, Faculty of Science, Charles Sturt University, Orange, Australia

2012-2022, LEcturer, Faculty of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences, Hebron Univrsity, Hebron, Palestine 


Basheer-Salimia Rezq, Aloweidat Mohamad, Hamdan Abdul-Jalil1, Al-salimiya Mohamad, Jazzar Mohanad, Qawasmeh Abdel. (2021). Effects of climatic gradient on growth performance, yield components, and chemical composition of lentil legume crop (Lens culinaris Medik).   IUG Journal of Natural Studies 29: 12–24.

Sahar Dowek, Seema Fallah, Rezq Basheer-Salimia, Mohannad Jazzar, Abdel Qawasmeh. (2020). Antibacterial, antioxidant and phytochemical screening of Palestinian Mallow, Malva sylvestris L. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 12: 1-5.

Abdel Qawasmeh, Bessan yaghi, Alaa Khraiwesh (2020). Pharmacists' knowledge and perception regarding dietary supplements in Palestine: descriptive study. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 12: 59-62.

Hoda M Eid,  Michelle Wright,  Anil Kumar, Abdel Qawasmeh,  Sherif T. S. Hassan,  Andrei Mocan,  SeyedNabavi,  Luca Rastrelli, Atanas G. Atanasov* and  Pierre Selim Haddad. (2017).Significance of microbiota in obesity and metabolic diseases and the modulatory potential by medicinal plant and food ingredients. Frontiers in Pharmacology 8: 1-29.

Qawasmeh A, Raman A, Wheatley W. (2015) Volatiles in perennial ryegrass infected with strains of endophytic fungus: impact on African black beetle host selection. Journal of Applied entomology.139: 94-104

Qawasmeh A, Obied HK, Raman A, Wheatley W. (2012) Influence of fungal-endophyte infection on phenolic content and antioxidant activity in grasses: Interaction between Lolium perenne and different strains of Neotyphodium lolii. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 60: 3381–3388.

Qawasmeh A, Bourke C, Lee S, Gray M, Wheatley W, Sucher N, Raman A. (2011) GC–MS analysis of volatile secondary metabolites in Mediterranean and Continental Festucaarundinacea (Poaceae) infected with the fungal endophyte Neotyphodium coenophialum strain AR542. ActaChromatographica23: 621–628.

Qawasmeh A, Raman A, Wheatley W. (2011)Antioxidative capacity of phenolic compounds extracted from Lolium perenne and Loliumarundinaceum infected with Neotyphodium (Hypocreales: Clavicipitaceae). ActaPhysiologiaePlantarum34: 827–33.

Li C, Hossieny P, Wu BJ, Qawasmeh A, Beck K, Stocker R. (2007) Pharmacologic induction of heme osygenase-1, Antioxidant Redox Signalling. 12:2227–39.

Research Interests

1- Identifying molecular target for herbal drugs

2- Screeing biological activities of wild Palestenian plants