

Teaching Staff. Instructor, Hebron University


Ghazi Drabee

  Mobile: +970 599394404; Email: [email protected]

Sex: Male; Date of Birth: 6 June 1983; Nationality: Palestinian

PHD Candidate in Law                                                                           2019-Present

University of  Sfax, Sfax, Republic of Tunisia

Prepare a Thesis in administrative law about he " The legal system of public institutions in Palestine "

     LLM (Master of Law)                                                                                Nov 2013

Al-Quds University, Jerusalem, Palestine     

Grade: very good

Thesis: “The Abuse of Power in the Public Employment in Palestine”.

LLB (Bachelor of Law)                                                                                 Jan2006 

The Arab American University, Jenin, Palestine 

Lecturer                                                                                             Jan 2014- present

College of Law, Hebron University, Palestine

Teaching Administrative Law and Clinical Legal Education

Supervising law students in projects relating labor law, women rights, and family law.
Run a project on juvenile justice in collaboration with Washington & Lee University, Virginia, USA; join course via videoconference.
Supervising graduate students in providing pro bono legal advises on labor law, land law, criminal law, traffic law, and human rights.
Working as advocate for Hebron University legal clinic.
Organize conferences, workshops, and training courses.

Advocate                                                                                         April 2010- present

Palestine Bar Association

Possessed Law Profession License

Trainee Lawyer (apprenticeship)                                          Jan 2008- April 2010

In courts and law offices; under the Bar Association’s supervision

Training of Trainers, Enhanced Palestinian Justice Program, USAID, Ramallah, Palestine, October 2014.
Blended Learning,  in Jericho and Netherlands, presented by Government of Netherlands, 2015.
Excellence in Teaching, The Center Excellence in Teaching at Hebron University,40 Hours, Held during Sep 2016-Apr2017.

Arabic (native), English (good)

Principle of proportionality between punishment and disciplinary offense and the control of the administrative judiciary, Mutual Search with Ala Khalaila, published in  Justice and Law magazine, issue no. 29 , issued from The Palestinian Center for the Independence of the 

Office No.
+972 (2) 2220995
Hebron University, P.O.Box: 40, Hebron, West-Bank, Palestine.


PHD Candidate in Law                                                                           2019-Present

University of  Sfax, Sfax, Republic of Tunisia

Prepare a Thesis in administrative law about he " The legal system of public institutions in Palestine "

LLM (Master of Law)                                                                                  Nov 2013

  Al-Quds University, Jerusalem, Palestine. Grade: very good

"Thesis: “The Abuse of Power in the Public Employment in Palestine”.


LLB (Bachelor of Law)                                                                                 Jan2006

The Arab American University, Jenin, Palestine


  •  Principle of proportionality between punishment and disciplinary offense and the control of the administrative judiciary, Mutual Search with Ala Khalaila, published in  Justice and Law magazine, issue no. 29 , issued from The Palestinian Center for the Independence of the Judiciary and the Legal Profession(MUSAWA), Ramallah, Palestine , 2017,pages from 11-29.
  • Legal Regulation for the Protection of Corruption Whistleblowers in Palestine, Mutual Search with Samer Najm Eddin, published in  Journal of International Law and Business, issue No.47, An internationally accredited and refereed scientific journal issued by the Business Law Research Laboratory - Hassan I University - Settat - Morocco,2023, pages from 447-468.

Research Interests

 Subjects of administrative law and administrative judiciary 

Subjects of constitutional laaw